德国进口ISDN测试仪(BRI PRI)型号:ARGUS 125
isdn测试仪(bri pri)
型号:argus 125
德国 中国总代
argus 125是一个功能强大的isdn测试仪
-pri和bri d通道监测(被动)
-专线(bri或pri和w / o d通道)
-128 kbit bert* u接口和bri线路租用
- e1-bert *使用b通道同时(megabert *)
- v5.1 / v5.2监视器(3播发/多e1链路)
集成模拟试验机dtmf and clip的支持
- 2线的高—z监视器电压测量
??以太网接口*(10/100 base-t),路由器/桥接模式
??atm层测试* w / atm的oam平/环和vpi / vci扫描
??ip特性*宽/ ip协议的ping,路由跟踪测试,(dhcp,vlan)
- 下载测试吞吐率评估(http,ftp上/下)
argus®125 - isdn pri功能
??符合ets 300011,itu-t g.703 e1-pri接口
??直接操作的优先级的u接口上,4线(te/ nt模式)
- te模式(终端仿真)新台币模式(网络仿真)
- d信道监控模式(高阻),被动
- d in te/ nt模式,以pc机或记忆,诠释道痕迹。解码
- 支持内部解码
??附加协议:短号-t/ n/ nq,qsig,vn4
??1层告警(crc-4, ais, fas, e-bit, a-bit, frame error, code
error, sax display)
??第1层主/从操作,使用sax命令te/ nt
hold,tp,cfb,cfnr,aoc-d / e,ccbs,ccnr,连续,mcid,
- 电话号码记忆10个数字或键盘协议
- 显示来电:主叫和被叫号码,
- 期间和在通话结束显示:aoc-d,aoc-e w /结算
按照瓦特/ itu-t g.821??误码率测试(bert),评价
- 扩展自我来电或终端到终端的bert
- 显示比特错误和比特错误率,确定/挪威克朗评价
- g.821分析:es,efs,ses,美国,德国马克和确定评价
- 可选择的服务,手动进样位错误
- 在acc位模式。 w / itu-t o.150:2e11-1,2e15-1,用户自定义
- 测量时间:1分钟到无限
- 循环中的所有或选定的b信道
- 同时e1误码仪上的所有b信道(megabert*)
- 中环同步箱和自我调用多个环节
- 电话功能和bert
- 可选择的b信道和两个并行bert
- 循环中的所有或选定的b信道
??te/ nt的仿真不同的isdn服务
??通过数字/文字包括显示Zui重要的信息交换的原因。 loc。
argus®125 - isdn bri功能
??按照itu-t的i.430 bri接口
- te(终端仿真),新界模式(网络仿真),喜欢的pri
- 显示器,被动监测bri,功能范围类似的pri
- 点 - 点(pp)或点对点,点对多点(p-mp)
- 检测dss1协议
??附加协议:短号-t/ - n/-nq,qsig,vn4
- 类似于优先级的功能范围
- “分组数据在d信道可用?”
- 自动检测将tei中的帧处理激活
- x.31仿真(四) - 末端到x.25网络
argus®125 - isdn u接口功能
??u接口符合etr80/ ansi t1.601
??在u上的te模式测试界面相同,在bri/ pri
??可编程直流负载(高达1200毫瓦,包括u / i测量)
argus®125 - 模拟功能(pots)
??夹等来电显示服务的累计。 ets 300七百七十八分之六百五十九
- 包括电压测量。极性
在te模式高达150 v
在监控模式下可达250 v
- 夹,日期,时间,来电显示服务的在线显示
- 的dtmf拨号音包括在线显示。 a,b,c,d,*,#
testing speech quality on all common interfaces
?? isdn: argus®125 is a powerful isdn tester, it includes:
- pri and bri interface in te and nt mode
- pri and bri d channel monitoring (passive)
- u interface (alternatively with 2b1q or 4b3t)
- leased lines (bri/pri with and w/o d channel)
- 128 kbit bert* on u interface and bri leased lines
- e1-bert* using all b channels simultaneously (megabert*)
- v5.1/v5.2 monitor* (up to 3 timeslots / multiple e1 links)
pots: integrated analog tester with support of dtmf and clip
- 2-wire high-z monitor with voltage measurement
?? adsl modem emulation* (atu-r), supports various standards
?? ethernet interface* (10/100 base-t), router / bridge mode
?? atm layer tests* w/ atm-oam ping/loop and vpi/vci scan
?? ip features* w/ ip ping, trace route test, (dhcp, vlan)
- download test for throughput evaluation (http, ftp up/down)
?? voip testing function*, includes own acoustics and evaluates
speech quality using mos, directly via adsl and/or ethernet
?? rc measuring, includes a loop length calculation
?? fully automated access tests with result documentation using test
reports, stored in argus® and/or on pc
?? transmits data to pc using usb or rs232 (eia232) interface
?? winanalyse*, pc software for d channel decoding and/or for
executing an adsl long term analysis, graphically demonstrated
?? easy-to-operate, user definable and predefined test scenarios
?? internally rechargeable standard batteries or mains powered
?? free software updates by download please contact midwest group
argus®125 – isdn pri features
?? e1-pri interface in accordance with ets 300 011, itu-t g.703
hdb3 code, automatic crc detection
?? operation directly on the pri’s u interface, 4 wire (te/nt mode)
?? operation modes:
- te mode (terminal simulation) nt mode (network simulation)
- d channel monitor mode (high impedance), passive
overplugging to pri-access with online recording on pc or the
internal memory, internal decode
- d channel trace in te/nt mode to pc or memory, int. decode
- supports internal decode
?? automatic detection of protocol and access-configuration
(crc on/off): dss1
?? additional protocols: cornet-t / n / nq, qsig, vn4
?? layer 1 alarms (crc-4, ais, fas, e-bit, a-bit, frame error, code
error, sax display)
?? layer 1 master/slave operation, te/nt using sax commands
?? automated test scenarios for access verification and data saving in
the argus® for creating test reports
?? automatic service test: determines which isdn services are
available on this access, in send and receive direction
?? automatic test of the supplementary services
for dss1: tests automatically clip, clir, colp, colr, cfu,
hold, tp, cfb, cfnr, aoc-d/e, ccbs, ccnr, cw, mcid,
ect, 3pty, ddi, msn, sub, uus, cug, cd,
support of keypad protocol an „clip no screening“
?? telephone functions with call-hot-button
- call number memory for 10 numbers or keypad protocol
commands, x.31 test number, own number, redialing
- displays for incoming calls: calling and called number,
b channel, service, type of number and numbering plan, display
info elements, sub address and uus-1 data
- displays during and at the end of call: aoc-d, aoc-e w/ clearing
cause by number/text and including location, display of info
elements, dtmf data
?? selectable b channel, en-bloc or overlap signaling
?? bit error rate test (bert), evaluated in accordance w/ itu-t g.821
- extended self-call or end-to-end bert
- displays bit errors and bit errors rate, ok/nok evaluation
- g.821 analysis: es, efs, ses, us, dm and ok evaluation
- selectable services, manual injection of bit errors
- bit pattern in acc. w/ itu-t o.150: 2e11-1, 2e15-1, user defined
- measuring time: 1 min up to infinite
- loop box for all or selected b channels
audible alarms for bit errors and los, los counter
- simultaneous e1 bert on all b channels (megabert*)
- multiple links of loop box and self-call simultaneously
?? configuration of type of number an numbering plan
?? tests of isdn leased lines:
- telephone function and bert
- selectable b channel and two concurrent bert
- loop box for all or selected b channels
?? te/nt-simulation with different isdn-services
?? displays most important clearing causes by number/text incl. loc.
argus®125 – isdn bri features
?? bri interface in accordance with itu-t i.430
?? operation modes:
- te (terminal simulation), nt mode (network simulation), like pri
- monitor, passively monitoring the bri, functional range like pri
?? automatic detection of access configuration:
- point-to-point (p-p) or point-to-multipoint (p-mp)
- detection of dss1 protocol
?? additional protocols: cornet-t / -n / -nq, qsig, vn4
?? display of layers 1, 2, 3 and the b channel status
?? display of layer 1 info (info 0 up to info 4)
?? msn-interrogation (depends on the support of the exchange)
?? automatic test of isdn services and supplementary services
- similar to the functional range of pri
?? bus status test with interrogation; setup, display and clearing of the
active call diversions cfu, cfb, cfnr for all services
?? two connections simultaneously (loop box and extended self-call)
?? automatic x.31 test in d and b channel
- “packet data in d channel available?”
- automatic detection of the teis activated in the frame handler
- simulation of x.31(d)-terminal to x.25 network
?? measurement of delay, round trip delay and inter-channel delay
?? layer 1 tests: measurement and evaluation of the phantom feed
(ok, normal or restricted power) and the layer 1 send/receive
signal level of the ntba or pabx
?? d channel bert with various bit pattern, like pri
(compatible with other testers)
argus®125 – isdn u interface features
?? u interface in accordance with etr 80 / ansi t1.601
?? line coding: 4b3t or 2b1q available
?? test in te mode on u interface same as on bri/pri
?? measurement of u interface voltage and ok evaluation
?? programmable dc load (up to 1200 mw, incl. u/i measurement)
?? high-z monitor with listen-to on u interface (q. v. pots)
argus®125 – analog features (pots)
?? pots interface with dtmf and pulse dial mode
?? flash function (40-1000 ms)
?? loop current limiting
?? pots voltage measurement incl. polarity (for hook-on / hook-off)
?? clip and other caller id services acc. ets 300 659/778
?? supports display fsk and dtmf caller id
?? adjustable dtmf signal level, signal and interval length
?? high-z monitor with non-intrusive listen-to on pots (like on u)
- measurement of voltage incl. polarity
in te mode up to 150 v
in monitor mode up to 250 v
- online display of clip, date, time, caller id services
- online display of dtmf dialing tones incl. a, b, c, d, *, #
- 地址:中国 北京 北京 房山区 拱辰街道天星街1号院2号楼1107室
- 电话:86 010 58438853
- 联系人:张叶
- 手机:13371796748
- 传真:86 010 80365610
- Email:shop1429173831322